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The Garden Party and Other Stories

Critique • Quotes

Garden Party and Other Stories, first editionFirst edition
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First publication

Literary form


Writing language

Author's country
New Zealand

15 stories, approx. 60,000 words

Notable lines

Very early morning.

— First line, "At the Bay"

And after all the weather was ideal.

— First line, "The Garden Party"

Of course he knew—no man better—that he hadn't a ghost of a chance, he hadn't an earthly.

— First line, "Mr and Mrs Dove"

Eleven o'clock. A knock at the door.

— First line, "The Lady's Maid"

'A baker, Mrs Parker!' the literary gentleman would say, for occasionally he laid aside his tomes and lent an ear, at least, to this product called Life. 'It must be rather nice to be married to a baker!'

— "Life of Ma Parker"

Up, up they thrust into the light and heat, shouting, laughing, squealing, as though they were being pushed by something, far below, and by the sun, far ahead of them—drawn up into the full, bright, dazzling radiance to...what?

— Last line, "Bank Holiday"

"Now, then, Ellen. At it again—you silly girl! If you can't find anything better to do than to start thinking!...

— Last line, "The Lady's Maid"


Critique • Quotes

See also:

To the Lighthouse


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The Garden Party and Other Stories

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