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To Your Scattered Bodies GoFirst edition
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To Your Scattered Bodies Go, 1971

The Fabulous Riverboat, 1971

The Dark Design, 1977

The Magic Labyrinth, 1980

Gods of Riverworld, 1983

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First publication

Literature form

Science fiction

Writing language

Author's country
United states

Five novels

Notable lines

His wife had held him in her arms as if she could keep death away from him.

— First line, To Your Scattered Bodies Go

"Resurrection, like politics, makes strange bedfellows," Samuel Clemens said.

— First line, The Fabulous Riverboat

Dreams haunted The Riverworld.

— First line, The Dark Design

"Know a man's faith, and you knew at least half the man. Know his wife, and you knew the other half."

To Your Scattered Bodies Go

"Actually, the situation was intolerable. But then it was surprising how much intolerableness a man could tolerate."

The Fabulous Riverboat

"I'm going to build a boat and sail up The River. All the way! Want to come along."

— Last line, To Your Scattered Bodies Go

"Some day, John! Some day!"

— Last line, The Fabulous Riverboat

Like the recruits and the agents, like the Riverdwellers, like all sentient creatures, he would have to make his own light.
So be it.

— Last line, The Dark Design


Critique • QuotesAt the movies