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She Stoops to Conquer

Critique • Quotes

She Stoops to Conquer, 1786 edition1786 edition
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First performance

Literature form


Writing language

Author's country

Five acts, approx. 22,500 words

Notable lines

MRS. HARDCASTLE. I vow, Mr. Hardcastle, you're very particular. Is there a creature in the whole country but ourselves, that does not take a trip to town now and then, to rub off the rust a little? There's the two Miss Hoggs, and our neighbour Mrs. Grigsby, go to take a month's polishing every winter.

HARDCASTLE. Ay, and bring back vanity and affectation to last them the whole year. I wonder why London cannot keep its own fools at home! In my time, the follies of the town crept slowly among us, but now they travel faster than a stage-coach. Its fopperies come down not only as inside passengers, but in the very basket.

— First lines

The genteel thing is the genteel thing at any time; if so be that a gentleman bees in a concatenation accordingly.


Ask me no questions, and I'll tell you no fibs.


I love every thing that is old; old friends, old times, old manners, old books, old wines.


So now to supper. To-morrow we shall gather all the poor of the parish about us, and the mistakes of the night shall be crowned with a merry morning. So, boy, take her; and as you have been mistaken in the mistress, my wish is, that you may never be mistaken in the wife.

— Last lines


Critique • Quotes