Felicia's Journey
Critique • Quotes • At the movies

First publication
Literature form
Literary, thriller
Writing language
Author's country
Approx. 73,000 words
Notable lines
She keeps being sick. A woman in the washroom says:
"You'd be bettter off in the fresh air. Wouldn't you go up on the deck?"
— First lines
Hidden away, the people of the streets drift into sleep induced by alcohol or agitated by despair, into dreams that carry them back to the lives that once were theirs. They lie with their begging notices still beside them, with enough left of a bottle to ease the waking moment, with pavement cigarette butts to hand.
Her goodness is a greater mystery than the evil that distorted a man's every spoken word, his every movement made.
She might be with them if it had happened; but she reflects, in modest doubt, the certainty she knows is still what she would choose. She turns her hands so that the sun may catch them differently, and slightly lifts her head to warm the other side of her face.
— Last lines
Critique • Quotes • At the movies